Sunday, November 22, 2009

When people die they still live.. they live in the experiences they share with others that made or broke those that surrounded them

I remember all my grandparents well and I even remember 2 grand grand parents.. so my experience of death started quite late in life.. and sincerely I fear that in the near future I might experience it soon... However my first really experience about death was that of a dear friend when I was 15 and I remember writing the following dated 13/03/02

How brief a person's lif is... Not only near the world's existence but even amongst us 21st Century people who think we know everything and all there is to know.

But in reality when people die... life goes on as usual as if they never existed. so what's the use of living suffering if in the end we all die to be forgotten??

Is our existence useless???

In my opinion people don't die ... they leave their experiences with us.. Persons influence other persons... Every single human with whom we meet in our live can influence us... in a good way or a bad way.

People can influence our financial situations... our careers our dreams and hopes, but not only. A person can influence us in small things. They can influence our behaviour, they can influence our opinions and our outlook towards life.

Every persons with whome we share our lives from time to time gives us a part of him/her and we give him/her a part of us. Even a person who asks us what's the time or a person who passed by grumbling...they can all influence us...

Just look at a grandmother laughing a distictive laugh..sometimes you might look at her niece and see the exact laugh..

So when a person dies... He has not died completely as he leaves parts of himselves in those people he or she met in his lifetime.. He might have said a word to a friend that made a huge different in this friend's life... A word... a phrase a gesture can be key in making or breaking a person... and in reality although we can try to control the positive and negative feelings and events in our lives... in reality we are all in the same sea.. all influencing each other and all making a difference in eachothers' lives.

Since we are all unique we are bound to behave uniquely... think uniquely and all these thoughts can be combined to be unique for each one of us... they are ours.. they become us... When these are shared..they are like parts of us making a difference in this world.

Even if a person is so insignificant near the immense populations and humans that existed in this world a single person can do much more then he/she can ever think ....... if he/she believes.

I'm not talking only of the great persons such as Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II...

Even though when we die we mgiht be forgotten it does not mean that our existence in this world will end forever.

I am talking of all those common people who all did their little effort in this life to make this World a better place...

The silent heroes that we all forgot... in reality never died as their unique lives... their unique experiences are amongst us.. we live sharing those thoughts and emotions from a grandparent a friend or a stranger...all experiences that make differences in our lives.. make us who we are... and are bound to share with others...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The worst fear

There are a lot of things to fear around us ... but the worst of all is fear of unknown.. afraid of exams, of failing, afraid of what others might thing of not being able to fit in...

What could one do in this case? What I do generally is try not to think too much about something. do my best to prepare and then go for it. In the end... what will be will be in the end.. and if failures come on the way... good for them.. they'll be experiences to learn from and to rise up even stronger then before..

So if there's something out there you would want to try out and till now was afraid... well as long as it will make you feel better there is nothing to lose just go for it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Beginning


I do talki to myself quite often in mylife... Not that I'm an introvert..most of those who know me would say I am not.. but still I do it often sometimes when I'm on the bus others when I'm walking or have sometime to myself and believe it or not...the best decissions I made in my life...the best time I felt truly amazed about what I heared is when I stopped from the rampaging spree of life ...stopped for just one second, enjoyed silence...and thought...

Being a young girl in a big World has had its challenges, now 22 I had my fair share of life already and I still do believe the best is yet to come. Through this blog I will share my hopes , my fears and my joys with you.

In this blog I will share my thoughts with you...and hopefully my thoughts will touch your lives too. :)